Monday, July 18, 2011

The BIG One!

Being pregnant really puts you in a flashback mode. I try to keep remembering the first few memories with my first one and some stand out more prominent than the others. One of the big ones were her first birthday celebration. Never was as excited for any of her birthdays like this one, the first year - a birthday a celebration more for me, a realization of being a great parent and have survived the most difficult part - the first year. I did celebrate her each month but this was even more special! The theme, the invitations, the decorations, the food, the custom goody bags - I had a great time planning the fun event at home...even the thank you cards! Sharing some decoration pics of the Spring theme birthday!
The goody bags!

The decorations for the Spring Theme.

The Easter candy eggs.

The paper-art fireplace aquarium with fishes.

The view of the Sun on the ceiling with handmade streamer rays from the den.
The different colored flowers out of popsicle sticks and stars.

Each goody bag was customized for the family invited!

The Sun in layers of yellow, orange and red.

The kitchen window adorned with  more spring flowers and bugs.

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